WATCH LIVE VIDEO NOW: Tiny house settlements: Opportunities, hurdles and paths to the village of tiny houses
More and more local authorities are building mini-housing estates. What opportunities do these villages offer? What hurdles are involved? And what does the path look like? The discussion will be available live on video from Thursday 27 June at 10 am.
Mühlacker wants them, Ettlingen and Unterammergau already have them and residents in Florida have been living in them since the 1960s - we are talking about tiny house settlements. These communities, in which people live only in mini houses of various kinds, are increasingly becoming a real alternative to the classic single-family home.
In a panel discussion on 27 June from 10 a.m., experts will discuss the hurdles on the way to a tiny house settlement, how this can be achieved, but also the opportunities associated with it.
The panel discussion will take place as part of the fifth NEW HOUSING at the Karlsruhe Trade Fair Centre. Europe's largest Tiny House Festival takes place from 28 to 30 June and offers over 30 different houses and almost 70 exhibitors in one place.

The moderator
The talk will be hosted by Chris Klerner. Together with his partner Caro Werner, he has been running the podcast "tinyon" since mid-2022, where the two of them shed light on all aspects of minimalist living. At NEW HOUSING 2023, the two recorded a podcast episode (german) live in the Tiny House Festival expert forum.
The discussants
Klerner, who will also be discussing the topic as an inhabitant of a tiny house, will be joined by Regina Schleyer. She is the chairwoman of the association, which was founded at the end of 2019 and last year published the industry standard for small buildings for the first time, a collective work designed to make it easier to successfully obtain small building permits.
Fabian Müller will also be part of the panel. The founder and managing director of Vilcomo works in the field of building land development and municipal consulting. He is well connected and knows how to reconcile the interests of all parties involved.
Nadine Nebel will also contribute her expertise. She is a research officer and designer at the Institute for Liveable and Environmentally Friendly Urban Development at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences (In-Lust) and wants to use her latest study to investigate whether there is a connection between living space and housing satisfaction. One of the ways she is doing this is by using a real-life laboratory in which people live and in which the living space is gradually increased. She is bringing the initial results to NEW HOUSING.
The panel will be completed by Ramona Jonait. As project manager of Europe's largest Tiny House Festival and a member of the association's board, she knows the players in the industry and is very well connected.