What potential do small-scale housing forms have?

Visitors to the NEW HOUSING expert forum from 28 to 30 June can look forward to exciting presentations. One of them is about the interdisciplinary research project at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Living space is scarce, property prices are rising and the dream of home ownership is becoming increasingly distant. What applies to Germany is also a reality in Switzerland. And just like in Germany, tiny houses and the like are also a possible alternative for the Swiss.

The researchers

The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts wanted to find out exactly what potential they have. An interdisciplinary research group was set up for this purpose. It consists of Stephanie Weiss, Kathrin Leitner (both from the Institute of Sociocultural Development), Yvonne Seiler Zimmermann and Ersilia Perpignano (both from the Institute of Financial Services Zug), Felix Bucher (Institute of Innovation and Technology Management) and Selina Lutz and Julian Franke (both from the Institute of Architecture). The research project was commissioned by Innosuisse - Swiss Agency for Innovation Promotion ITC "Space & Society" (HSLU).

The results

The researchers came to the conclusion that there is potential in Switzerland in terms of demand for small forms of housing. Around half of those surveyed already had experience of small-scale housing or could imagine living in one. The researchers differentiated between "experts" and "interested parties". The other half could not imagine living in a tiny house ("not interested").

Study topic in the expert forum

Researchers from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts will be presenting why this is the case, what differences there are between different phases of life when it comes to preferences for the size of living space and other findings from the study at the NEW HOUSING expert forum from 28 to 30 June.

More information on the study can be found on the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts website. The programme of the expert forum and further information on NEW HOUSING can be found at www.new-housing.de.

Portrait Matthias Jundt
Matthias Jundt
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